
Alaskan Tapes Celebrates 10 Years of Music

Today marks a decade since Alaskan Tapes first began releasing music, a milestone the artist never expected to reach. Before launching this project, he created music under the name O S L O, exploring darker downtempo and ambient sounds. However, the release of Then Suddenly Everything Changed sparked a shift, leading him to fully embrace a new musical direction and take his craft more seriously. This turning point led him to enroll in music production school and collaborate with fellow artists who shared his passion.

Now, ten years later, Alaskan Tapes has built a career doing what he loves, working with some of his favorite artists and crafting immersive soundscapes that resonate with listeners worldwide. To mark the occasion and thank fans for their continued support, he is offering a 30% discount on purchases through Bandcamp and his website using the promo code “10years”.

Use the code ‘10years’ down below

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