Creatives eevee and sweeep share calming song from collaborative album

Image credit: HÖR

Are you ready for a good night’s rest? Even so, stay a moment before heading to bed. Rather, take a moment to sit on the edge of your mattress, and let eevee and sweeep’s dichotomous album, titled vandalism and selfcare, ease you into a state of calm. 

Stream / Download: vandalism and selfcare

The project has been released under the record label Secret Souls, which is the imprint that eevee established. I wonder how she manages to work on music and run her label simultaneously. It must be a challenging feat, I’m sure. 

Read our previous feature on eevee here

On the project, fans will find the focus track ‘goodnight’, a restful single that, like the paint on a rustic wooden photo frame, has been worn down with care. All about the tone, samples swim underneath a heavy high-end filter, emulating the sound of an old vinyl or over-played cassette tape. While listening, we time travel to an era where wearing a flimsy pair of headphones, plugged into a bright yellow walkman was the norm. 

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