Interview with music duo Deep Flip

Deep Flip was started at the beginning of 2019 on the island of Bali, Indonesia. Inspired by ancient shamanic culture and beautiful nature, Alex and Vlad recorded a 4 song EP in a studio near jungles and volcanoes.

Right Place’ brings the awakening idea that all elements of our ever-changing tangible reality are staying in total harmony with each other.  So many of us are living in the future or past and forget about the value of the present moment.

See our exclusive interview with Deep Flip below


Describe your sound for us. What do you want people to feel when they hear your music?

Speaking about the sound we always tend to create a spacious 3D atmosphere which will involve the listener into the inner world. The idea of our first single ‘Right place’ is to underline the importance of staying in the present moment whatever we do to be synchronized with our body and therefore with the Universe.

Which 3 artists have influenced you the most growing up?

Radiohead, Steve Reich, Bjork.

How did you discover your particular sound?

When we start a new record we look for the sound which mostly inspires us and translates the particular emotions and overall message of the song. We use a lot of instruments from different times and cultures. It’s quite creative to process these sounds with vintage echoes or reverbs to make everything floating in space or just give it strong saturation and drive to enhance the most significant ideas. We often play with different time shifts to create interesting grooves. Orchestra elements work very touchy and majestic for us.

What are the most important pieces of equipment to you?

We use Elektron Octatrack as sampler and sequencer, Dave Smith synthesizer, guitarelle, bass guitar and a bunch of fx pedals and analogue studio gear. Recently we have added an Upright Piano and Double-bass through Moog pedals.

What outside of music inspires you to create?

We are always inspired by nature and the people around us. Also, new books and even a movie can open fresh ideas.

Do you have a favourite memory of your career so far that you will take with you forever?

We recorded our EP on Bali island. While shooting a music video for our second song ‘Tribe’ (will be released on 12th February) our cameraman got sick, so we had to take him back home. As all equipment and set were ready we started to shoot some dancing videos just for fun. We had a great time ‘till morning and while watching the footage we decided to edit and colour it ourselves. It really became a cool indie music video and we are happy to share it soon.

If you could work with, or perform alongside any artist living or passed, who would it be? 

Igor Stravinsky, RY X

Most artists say that if they weren’t artists they would be mailmen/women… what would you be?

Space researchers 🙂

What can we expect from you in the near future? Any upcoming projects or gigs in the pipeline that you would like to tell us about?

We have a secret plan to release a new song every 2 weeks and EP at the beginning of spring.



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