Interview with pianist Frans Bak

Pianist Frans Bak had played the piano throughout his childhood, immersing himself totally in the melodies that he created, where he found solace.

He later graduated from the Royal Danish Academy of Music and formed a number of bands, experimenting with music, fusing together his classical training with different genres, sounds and modern technologies, and in doing so, has carved out a unique sound through his own compositions, ambient, melodic, atmospheric.

Frans creates a dreamy and intense soundscape, for a truly immersive listening experience.

Get to know the artist below:

Describe your sound for us. What do you want people to feel when they hear your music?

At the moment I am focused on that people can bond – and let their mind flow.


Which 3 artists have influenced you the most growing up?

The Beatles, Charlie Parker and Keith Jarret.

How did you discover your particular sound?

Actually I was working in the nordic jazz field when I started scoring films and tv-series – so it was taking this to a new step realizing what I felt connected me with the picture. This led to what is later known as Nordic Noir. Now it all comes together for me in “Sound of North” which is what I like to call my music 🙂

What are the most important pieces of equipment to you?

For the forthcoming concerts, it is the piano and a string quartet. And for the album, I might add my producer and musical partner Keld Haaning Ibsen.

What outside of music inspires you to create?

Nature and reading.

Do you have a favourite memory of your career so far that you will take with you forever?

I remember once, very young, I got the call for the Danish Radio Big Band – if I could attend a rehearsal in 10 minutes. I lived very close and jumped exited on my bike. On the way I had this life-changing feeling – “this is it” –  “I made it”  – it is all so very clear to me:) When I arrived, someone else was playing the piano – they had probably called every piano player in town:) I still cherish the bike ride:) The latest good memories is my recent trip around the world – playing with different string quartets  – meeting these different cultures and sharing music I will never forget.

If you could work with, or perform alongside any artist living or passed, who would it be?

I never got to play with the Danish bass legend Niels Henning Oersted Pedersen – we met once at a gig that got cancelled  – but his sound and nordic approach did inspire me. I would love to have worked with him.

Most artists say that if they weren’t artists they would be mailmen/women… what would you be?

Football player:)

What can we expect from you in the near future? Any upcoming projects or gigs in the pipeline that you would like to tell us about?

I am so excited about my new album “Piano” it is getting released April 17 – and I will play a release concert at Sct Pancrass Church in London with Iskra String Quartet April 16 –


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