Nikita Bassi uses dreamy music to explore complex love songs in her her debut single ‘Satin’.

Enchanting singer Nikita Bassi has released her debut single ‘Satin’. The track has been co-produced with Cores (Solange, Gorgon City, The Streets). The single premiered with BBC Introducing on Brody Swain’s show.

Having always lived in the UK, Nikita connects most strongly to her Asian roots through music. When writing she uses the likes of Indian and African percussion (dholak, khol, tabla) alongside bansuri flutes and cathedral organ, delivering great depth to her mesmeric music.

“‘Satin’ was written at a time when I was trying to write love songs but had never really been in love. I was younger and had a Disney-esque idea in my head of what it would feel like. It’s funny now I’ve grown up and learnt that love is so much more complex (and beautiful) than that. I initially self-produced the track as an idea and didn’t revisit it for a while, but then I met Cores who somehow took that whole dreamy vision and planted it into the song.”


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