Pianist Andrea Viscardi shares Prelude EP

With the Prelude EP, Andrea Viscardi reaches new highs in his production for piano. In this new release, Andrea finds undiscovered dimensions in his long-standing artistic research about the close relationship between art and nature. The EP is made of three independent but intertwined pieces, where multi-colored melodies flow together to give motion and peace to the listeners’ souls. In Prelude, a resolute sequence of notes takes one’s breath away, so that unexpected emotions and thoughts can wander along new lands not accessible in normal times. Romance is that kind of piece that one cannot stop listening over and over again, given its unforgiving way to elicit the most impenetrable dimensions of the spirit. Its surprising and somehow unfinished final wets listeners’ appetite for the third and last artwork of the EP, Etude après une promenade dans la nature. Here, the neoplatonic motto beauty is unity in multiplicity finds its musical realization: while the physical sounds coming out of the piano touch one’s ear, the mind cannot but unleash polyhedral pictures of herself and the world.

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