Ambient musicians Psycho & Plastic share visually intricate music video

Ambient composers Psycho & Plastic have shared their latest video for their recently released single ‘Fragile Targets’. A monochromatic and visually satisfying watch, we fall deeper in love with the sounds and elements that craft the duo’s intricate sound. As scenes and textures playfully dance and morph, we pick up that the musicians admire the simplicity of nature and its many wonders. 

Pre-save: Phantom Bliss LPBandcamp 

The duo add their thoughts on this latest release, which is set to feature on their forthcoming anticipated LP release Phantom Bliss on the 8th of July via GiveUsYourGOLD: “Video artist a-li-ce created the music video as a visual poem. She made the 3D rendered landscape of Max Füllbier’s cover artwork react sensitively to the music so that the images move, evolve, grow and change shapes with the track.”

Read our previous feature on the duo’s single ‘Back And Forth’ here

By this quote alone, one can tell that Psycho & Plastic are detail oriented but yet not afraid to play and explore. The soft but experimental qualities of this latest video compliment the charmingly mind-bending tone of this track, but  we continue to be bewitched by the duo’s ability to follow their creative bliss.

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