Interview with evocative avant-pop singer Fifi Rong

 Image credit: Dylan Chubb

Renowned for her evocative avant-pop soundscapes, singer Fifi Rong has bewitched us once again with the floral and seductive music video ‘Another Me’. This singer may be in her twenties, but she has accomplished many milestones in her short career, working with the likes of renowned music producers such as Skepta, Emika, and Tricky to name a few. ‘Another Me’ opens a new chapter for this talent, as she is set to release her solo self-produced album There Is A Funeral In My Heart For Every Man I Loved later this year.

‘Another Me’ on SpotifyiTunes

We chatted with the renowned talent Fifi Rong below.

Describe your sound for us. What do you want people to feel when they hear your music?

A knowing smile with tears on the inside.

Which 3 artists have influenced you the most growing up?

Cocteau Twins, Martina Topley Bird, Teresa Teng.

How did you discover your particular sound?

By being honest with who I am and have become.

Tell us about one of the first struggles you faced (as a group or a solo artist) and how you overcame it?

The deep belief that I didn’t have the voice, talent, and look to be an artist. I overcame it by years of questioning what’s in the core of my soul and kept choosing the path of courage in the face of self-doubt.

What are your thoughts on incorporating CGI into your new video now that you have done it?

The first principle to make anything is to ask myself “’have I done this before?”. If the answer is no, then it’s exciting and worth doing. I’m very happy to do something for the first time at a fine quality, and I appreciate the hard work we have put into it. As far as resources are allowed, I’ll be the first in line looking into AR, VR, and all the new Rs as they come out.

What are the most important pieces of equipment to you?

Macbook pro.

Music for the individual or the masses – which do you want to create?

First for the individual to see what’s in me, later the masses once I’m confident about what it is.

Do you have a favourite memory of your career so far?

When I wrote, recorded, and produced ‘Time’ in the space of one evening. I started off by expressing this suffocating fear and insecurity to finishing it at 3 am with the epiphany of creative buzzing aliveness.

If you could work with, or perform alongside any artist living or passed, who would it be?

Pink Floyd.

 Does your latest video draw artistic inspiration from classic artworks like The Birth Of Venus, for example?

The videographer Rok Pat and myself didn’t think of this reference actually but I now can see the similarities in some ways. My initial idea was to be a moving statue in an otherworldly exhibition or museum, and we ended up on an alien planet in one of the heavens, which is not far off.

What kind of message are you trying to send with your music?

Expressing the inevitable pain embedded in human conditions that words can’t describe, and the accepting, healing, transcending of it.

What can we expect from you in the near future? Any upcoming projects or gigs in the pipeline that you would like to tell us about?

Double album in English and Chinese There Is A Funeral In My Heart, For Every Man I Loved coming in this Autumn. My Live Music Series called ‘Yi Jing’ 意境 is starting this month via Patreon that my creative team and I are about to launch. Stay tuned.

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