Interview with inspiring electronic musician Mild Minds

Wanting to connect with the inner child and unlock unfiltered creativity, music producer Benjamin David embraced the moniker Mild Minds. He debuted his first Mild Minds track in 2018 with the single ‘SWIM’ and since then has not stopped combining electronic music with ambient textures. The musician and music producer has been signed with reputable record labels like ODESZA’s Foreign Family Collective and Ninja Tune. He has also been nominated for a Grammy award in a brief period of time since unveiling this unique sound – spectacular. 

We asked Mild Minds a few questions about the industry and discovered he is just as lovely as his melodies.

Describe your sound for us. What do you want people to feel when they hear your music?

I think the idea is to make people feel things they haven’t, or at least haven’t felt for a while. Whether it be through the production or subtle emotions in the music, I want it to feel different.

Which 3 artists have influenced you the most growing up?

I mean when do you stop growing up? Most recently I’d say  Aphex Twin, Caribou & Four Tet have had the biggest influence but I don’t like to select “artists”, it’s usually tiny pieces of each.

How did you discover your particular sound?

Experimentation. This whole project was always about trying new things. But I’ve always preferred thick analogue-sounding instruments and exploring melancholy emotions since I started music so this is a bit of a return to that too.

Tell us about one of the first struggles you faced (as a group or a solo artist) and how you overcame it?

I think most of my struggles were in the past, trying to remain relevant, trying to get radio play, things like that. This consequently negatively impacted the music I made. I had started to lose what music meant to me. Thankfully, due to the streaming explosion, we don’t need to think as much about that anymore. Streaming has provided opportunities to carve a niche in which you can continue to build and discovered by the amount and merit of your output.

What are the most important pieces of equipment to you?

A piano to write and explore harmony. 

An uncluttered computer. 

A basic analog synth like a Juno, Prophet or Korg Minilogue.

Music for the individual or the masses – which do you want to create?

Don’t really think about that.

Do you have a favourite memory of your career so far?

I really loved supporting Big Wild on tour in 2019, it was the first time  I had been on a tour bus with an amazing crew of people. It was really a special feeling to be together for so many nights in a row and see many cities so quickly.

If you could work with, or perform alongside any artist living or passed, who would it be?

No one really comes to mind!

What kind of message are you trying to send with your music?

Remind people that meaning and solace can be found in art whether as a creator or listener. Music can stop time in some sense and connect you with a period of your life no matter how long ago.

What can we expect from you in the near future? Any upcoming projects or gigs in the pipeline that you would like to tell us about?

I have a few more singles coming out before commencing work on the new album early next year! But lots of stuff in the works that I’m really excited about.

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