Q&A with music producer and songwriter whattodo

Artist/producer/songwriter whattodo has been simmering in the background writing for other people, but now he is finally embracing his own artistry and coming out of hibernation.

The EP, “changeinform’ is trying to process and explore different forms of self-expression which have impacted whattodo’s life in recent years. It’s a collection of messy, rough and frustrating songs that aims to be transparent and honest.

Describe your sound for us. What do you want people to feel when they hear your music?

It’s a bit weird I think. but it’s honest and it’s a conversation sort of, maybe. ‘changeinform’ felt like an exercise in being honest with myself and settling with it not being perfect. Like being ok with it not being mixed “industry standard”, because in a way that’s how I feel inside and as a person. I don’t feel much like an “industry standard”.

Which 3 artists have influenced you the most growing up?

Michael B. Tretow, Daft Punk and I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t mention Michael Jackson. It’s a complicated influence to have had growing up, but it’s the truth.

How did you discover your particular sound?

Basically spending lots and lots of time storing up terabytes on my hard-drives with projects and then never really enjoying any of it.

What are the most important pieces of equipment to you?

My ears. I always forget technical stuff and I can’t seem to ever play the same note twice.

What outside of music inspires you to create?

Trouble sleeping. Spending too much time on youtube drowning in video essays of guys talking endlessly about filmmaking and also me teaching art history to my dogs. after all, they might end up teaching me.

Do you have a favourite memory of your career so far that you will take with you forever?

My short term memory isn’t the greatest so you’d have to ask again in a year or two.

If you could work with, or perform alongside any artist living or passed, who would it be?

Oh, I absolutely love Ama Lou. She seems to know something, us mortals don’t.

Most artists say that if they weren’t artists they would be mailmen/women… what would you be?

Probably a paid Bernie bot on twitter. Unlike the unpaid pro-Bernie brono bot I am now.
I’m not giving up on Bernie.

What can we expect from you in the near future? Any upcoming projects or gigs in the pipeline that you would like to tell us about?

My friend Ney Liqa directed some amazing visuals to my EP that should be out by now and we’re also releasing a single together May 8th called ‘LIE’.

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