Q&A with tranquil lo-fi music producers rocomoco

There is beauty in life, come what may, the Berlin-based duo rocomoco conveys this message in their new song ‘Grooveshop (with Hoffy Beats)’. Featuring smooth rhythms and effortlessly refreshing atmospheres, we feel the need to take a breath of fresh air, being one with the earth and its beauty. Released via Aviary Day on Aviary Bridge Records Ltd, this mellow track will feature on the duo’s forthcoming album Into The Blue which will be made public on the 29th of October. Since the duo’s inception, they have received over 11 million plays on major music streaming platforms to date. ‘Grooveshop (with Hoffy Beats)’ is a sophisticated track filled with gentle jazzy guitar riffs and subdued beats that command the attention of a bogged-down mind looking for relief. 

We chatted with this intuitive and thoughtful duo rocomoco below.

Stream/ download: ‘Grooveshop (with Hoffy Beats)’

Describe your sound for us. What do you want people to feel when they hear your music?

We love chilled vibes and dusty beats. We want people to sit back and relax while listening. But we also love telling stories or capturing personal moments and atmospheres with our music. Listeners are invited to find the meaning of the stories behind the songs on our social media and on our YouTube channel.

How does your new song ‘Grooveshop with Hoffy Beats’ give us a taste of what to expect with your forthcoming album release?

Into The Blue is our first album and ‘Grooveshop’ perfectly represents the level of production quality we can achieve right now. The whole production of the album, from the first idea to the final mix and master, comes from us. Within the production of all our tracks, we always try to reach a stage where the music unfolds its own life – where it becomes magically more than just the sum of the individual parts. For example, the sound at ‘Grooveshop’ has such a lightness and transparency, while at the same time the drums and bass come across as very powerful with a lot of energy. That’s what makes this track very exciting and special for us.

Which 3 artists have influenced you the most growing up?

There is a wide range of artists we like. We decided to start rocomoco after listening to early lo-fi hip-hop by artists like Mt. Fujitive, Tomppabeats, Rook1e and Sleepdealer.

How did you discover your particular sound?

It’s an ongoing process of trial and error. It always takes a lot of time and iterations before we find the right balance for each track.

Tell us about one of the first struggles you faced (as a group or a solo artist) and how you overcame it?

We are very relaxed guys. If something doesn’t work out well, we just leave it where it is and come back to it later – or not.

What are the most important pieces of equipment to you?

We like to try out every kind of new gear, even built our own instrument- the “rocolimba”. But our go-to’s are the NI Noire, Spectrasonic´s Omnisphere, the RC-20, and our semiacoustic Gretsch.

Music for the individual or the masses – which do you want to create?

For the individual.

Previously sharing your thoughts on the single, you mentioned: “We wanted to create empowering positive vibes that breathe a dose of nostalgia with a healthy touch of melancholy”. Can you please elaborate on what you meant when you said “healthy touch of melancholy”?

‘Grooveshop’ originated in times of lockdown and social distance, when travel was not possible – except in the imagination. There was this longing for the sea, the light of the south, the memory of pictures and personal moments on the Italian Riviera. This seemed unattainable and irretrievable. The Italian Riviera itself is a special place of incredible beauty, by nature and also by testifying the decay and finiteness of life. Thinking about it: a healthy dose of melancholy or tragedy is always important when you want to create something of real beauty.

Do you have a favourite memory of your career so far?

We will never forget the moment when we discovered our third single floating in the Electro Lounge playlist of Apple Music and the track took off

If you could work with, or perform alongside any artist living or passed, who would it be?

Ryuichi Sakamoto.

What kind of message are you trying to send with your music?

Relax, take a break. With our music, we hope to create beautiful short vacations that help people to reduce fears and stress in everyday life.

What can we expect from you in the near future? Any upcoming projects or gigs in the pipeline that you would like to tell us about?

We are working on a new album with our friend and artist from Southampton called The Hidden. The working title is Paradise – and we are on the way to find it.

‘Grooveshop (with Hoffy Beats)’ features on the Spotify playlist LO-FI_GROUND.fm

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